Documents and Notes of the projects
The main modules > Projects > Projects detail view > Documents and Notes of the projects

In "Documents and Notes", general letters, faxes and memos are created for the project and stored hierarchically. It provides the following functions: 

Create a new document / a new note
Delete marked document / marked note

full-text research

Searches for matches within the topic of the documents.

When creating a new document / a new note, different types, which are marked with the according item from the list, can be selected.


For letters and faxes, any document templates can be selected from the text templates as a base. In addition to a simple standard template, it is advisable to deposit corresponding pattern for recurring /serial letters.


Create a new document for a project

Create a new document for a project


For the editing of letters or faxes, further functions of the text editor are also available.


Text editor for the editing of a document

Text editor for the editing of a document


Full text research

If for a project record very many documents and notes have been created, the full text research facilitates finding a document with an uncertain date of creation. A given keyword is entered into the search field. All documents which contain the wanted expression in the topic are displayed and the word is highlighted. The selection can be reset via the small X next the search box.


Search functions within the documents

Search functions within the documents